Resources for Education Professionals

Browse our library of resources around family engagement so you can learn more about why it matters, and how to implement it in your district.

Resources For Education Professionals

When families are engaged in their children’s education, everyone wins. So how can you deepen this collaboration in your school? Explore how we design family engagement projects here.

Explore Education Professional Topics

California Commission on Teacher Credentialing

The California Commission on Teacher Credentialing website provides resources and guides to teachers, student teachers, and educators.

Teacher Preparation Exams

The San Diego County Office Education offers educator preparation CBEST, CSET, and RICA practice exams as well as free preparation courses for teachers and future educators in California.

The Dual Capacity-Building Framework for Family-School Partnerships

The Dual Capacity-Building Framework for Family-School Partnerships (Version 2) is designed by Dr. Karen Mapp to support the development of family engagement strategies, policies, and programs. It is not a blueprint for engagement initiatives, which must be designed to fit the particular contexts in which they are carried out. Instead, the Framework should be seen as a compass, laying out the goals and conditions necessary to chart a path toward effective family engagement efforts that are linked to student achievement and school improvement.

Learning to be a Hero

An informative website that will show families and educators tips on how to foster a positive learning environment for children.

California Collaborative for Educational Excellence

The California Collaborative for Educational Excellence (CCEE) was established by the California State Legislature and Governor to advise and assist school districts, county offices of education, and charter schools (local educational agencies (LEAs) achieve the goals and objectives in their Local Control and Accountability Plans (LCAPs). It was created as part of the Local Control Funding Formula (LCFF) legislation that redesigned California ‘s school funding formulas to ensure that there would be sufficient support for students who required additional resources to ensure their success.

California Department of Education (CDE) Special Education

The Special Education program offers resources and insight on how to serve students with disabilities or those with specialized needs. The website offers Common Core resources, family involvement guides, current laws/policies, and services for families with students with special needs. Their hope is that every student in California regardless of needs can meet or exceed academic and nonacademic skills.

California Department of Education (CDE) Multilingual Education

Multilingualism provides a variety of benefits in an individual’s life and the Multilingual Education Program prepares students for proficiency in English Language, while maintaining the appreciation for student’s native language. Their mission is to prepare students with linguistic skills to hopefully engage with one another, as well as, other students from diverse backgrounds and cultures.

Community of Schools

California Community Schools Partnership program strategically works to improve student success; in which the districts, schools, teachers, and families work closely together. Their main focus is on academics, community development, and community engagement. Their hope is that communities can improve student and family needs.

California Association Bilingual Education (CABE)

The California Association Bilingual Education (CABE) is a non-profit that aims to promote bilingual education within the state of California. CABE works alongside various states in the United States to promote educational equity for every child as well as the importance of multilingualism within our educational system. Their overall mission is to build capacity in order to create effective learning and support English Learners.

California Department of Education (CDE) Whole Child Division

The Whole Child Division is an effort to provide world-class education for every student in California from as early as childhood until adulthood. They aim to foster safe environments for students regardless of their background. The overall goal of the Whole Child Division is to reduce discrimination while improving educational integration.

Storyline Online

Free stories read by famous people for children: Pre K-6th


BrainPop is an educational resource for educators to give mini-lessons on science and ELA from grades K-12.

Family guides

Family guides  is an online family  support tool to help parents and children  engage more deeply in grade level math. The family guides are available for parents of children grades K-8th  offered by Seek Common Ground. Math guides are available in English and Spanish, include explanations of what your child should be able to know and do at each grade level in math and literacy, offer tips for talking with your child’s teacher, and provide links to other resources.


This simple tool is a resource for educators to share with parents of young children for sharing stories that promote early math. Tandem Partners in Early Learning and offers materials in English, Spanish, and Chinese.

Khan Academy

Khan Academy is an online Math resource where students can find tutorials and practice help. The grade ranges from PreK-12 (and college) from the following subjects and categories: Math, English, Science, History SAT, ACT, LSAT, and MCAT.

National Suicide & Crisis Hotline in English & Spanish

The 988 Lifeline provides 24/7, free and confidential support through phone call or text for people in distress, prevention and crisis resources for you or your loved ones, and best practices for professionals in the United States.

California Mental Health

California Mental Health will provide you tips and resources on how to improve and access  mental health and addiction services throughout the state.


Want to Learn More?

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in empowering families and enhancing education.